Address: Tajikistan, Dushanbe, Bokhtar 17 str.


+992 37 2215113


Training on digitalization of agriculture

Training on digitalization of agriculture On April 11-12 this year, within the framework of Strengthening Resilience of the Agriculture Sector Project with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security Committee, State Institution “Agriculture Entrepreneurship Development” and the Center for Digitalization of Agriculture, a training on digitalization of agriculture sector was held. […]

Digitalization of agriculture sector

On February 16 of the current year, within the framework of Strengthening Resilience of the Agriculture Sector Project with the participation of industry experts in the building of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tajikistan a training seminar was held on “Digitalization of electronic price monitoring and provision of recommendations in this direction”. […]

Scheduled World Bank training at the Hilton Hotel

Scheduled World Bank training at the Hilton Hotel On January 24 of the current year in the Hilton Hotel under the guidance of World Bank specialists a Training on the topic “Increasing the professional capacity of employees in the field of model agreements” was held. This training was conducted for all Project Implementation Unit (PIU) […]

Development of digitalization of agriculture

Development of digitalization of agriculture On January 15-16, 2024, a training workshop on “Use of agrometeorological data for disease and pest management modeling” was held at the Rumi Hotel in Dushanbe. Training workshop within the framework of the project “Strengthening Resilience of the Agriculture Sector Project” for implementation of subcomponents 3.1 and 3.3. “Real-time monitoring […]

Improvement of agriculturе monitoring

Improvement of agriculturе monitoring Under the Strengthening Resilience of the Agriculture Sector Project, an international consultant on climate change and hydrometeorology, Fadi Karim, was involved to implement sub-component 3.1 Real-time monitoring of agricultural production, land use and agrometeorology. The purpose of hiring a consultant is to analyze the system of data exchange between the Ministry […]

Implementation of the Global Soil Doctors Programme

Implementation of the Global Soil Doctors Programme The State Institution “Agriculture Entrepreneurship Development”, together with the Food Agriculture Organization FAO, within the framework of Subcomponent 3.2 of Strengthening Resilience of the Agriculture Sector Project organized a five-day (from 14 to 18.11.23.) scientific and practical workshop on the implementation of the Global Soil Doctors Programme, and […]

Implementation of Global Soil Doctors Programme

Implementation of Global Soil Doctors Programme The State Institution “Agriculture Entrepreneurship Development” on November 14 this year under sub-component 3.2 of Strengthening Resilience of the Agriculture Sector Project jointly with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) held a scientific workshop on the implementation of the Global Soil Doctors Programme. The training seminar, which is intended […]

Explanatory activities with contractors within the framework of the requirements of the Environmental and Social Standard

Explanatory activities with contractors within the framework of the requirements of the Environmental and Social Standard Today 27.10.2023 to fulfill the requirements of the World Bank’s Environmental and Social Standard, compliance with the norms of construction requirements of the projects and expansion of repair works, specialists of the State Institution “Agriculture Entrepreneurship Development” within the […]