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Inspection process and monitoring of the storage and disposal status of hazardous chemical waste

With the support of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, the State Institution “Agriculture Entrepreneurship Development” in the frame of the third component of “Strengthening Resilience of the Agriculture Sector Project” in the period of independence for the first time introduced a method of disposal of obsolete chemical materials and pesticides and containers that used chemical solutions in scientific and educational institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Tajik Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

This action is implemented on the basis of a contract between the State Institution “Agriculture Entrepreneurship Development” and the Public Organization “Peshsaf”.

According to the signed contract with this public organization, chemical materials and reagents, which are included in group A of hazardous waste and expired, empty containers, in which chemical solutions were used, were collected in accordance with the schedule, from the warehouses of the State Institution for Plant Protection and Chemicalization of Agriculture, Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of TAAS, Agrarian University of Tajikistan named after Sh. Shohtemur and the State Institution “Locust Control Expedition” and transported to a special warehouse “Vakhsh”.

In this context, in the frame of the project was an official visit of specialists to the inspection process and monitoring of the storage status and disposal of hazardous chemical waste transported from the above-mentioned facilities to the special territory “Vakhsh”.

During the monitoring it was found that the waste was placed in two containers of 3 m by 12 m, in accordance with the requirements of environmental and social norms and the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan “On placement of waste in special places”, will be temporarily stored in this place, then it will be destroyed.
