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Strengthening plant protection direction in the country

The State Institution “Agriculture Entrepreneurship Development” under the sub-component 3.3 of the “Strengthening Resilience of the Agriculture Sector Project”, envisaged the aspect on strengthening the capacity of institutions for plant protection and locust control, measures on protection from pest are planned, including the organization of biological laboratories, as well as investments in material and technical base and capacity building of young staff of state institutions responsible for plant protection and locust control, including equipment, materials and staff training.

In this context, from November 18 – 27 this year, the mission of the international consultant Prof. Dr. Joseph Kisch – Head of the Department of Plant Protection Integration of the Hungarian Agrarian University and the Institute for the Study of Plant Life and Protection, member of the French Academy of Agriculture, is ongoing.

According to the program of the mission, the assessment of the existing biological laboratory, plant protection, pest control and capacity building of young employees of the Institution “Plant Protection and Chemicalization of Agriculture” was carried out, as well as several meetings were held with specialists and decision makers of the Ministry of Agriculture, Committee for Environmental Protection, Tajik Agrarian University, Tajik Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Institute of Horticulture and Viticulture, Agricultural Institute, public organizations for environmental protection, National Association of dehkan (farmer) farms and private sector.

At the same time, completed a working visit to the branches of the State Institution “Plant Protection and Chemicalization of Agriculture” in the Khatlon and Sughd regions, as well as to the biological laboratories of the village community Jamoat “Panj” in Dusti district and village community Jamoat “Eshbek Sattorov” in Jaihun district, LLC “Markazi biomethod Kishovarz” in J. Rasulov district. Meetings were held with specialists and farmers to implement further activities using modern methods, and science-based recommendations were presented.

It should be noted that the project envisages the construction and equipping of a biological laboratory in state agricultural institutions.
