Establishment of intensive gardens for the development of fruit nurseries using innovative technologies
The State Institution “Agriculture Entrepreneurship Development” jointly with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) on June 13 this year held a scientific and training seminar in Sughd region on “Creation of intensive gardens using innovative technologies” under sub-component 1.1 of Strengthening Resilience of the Agriculture Sector Project.
More than 35 representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Tajikistan, the Committee on Food Security, the Sh. Shokhtemur Agrarian University of Tajikistan, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the State Institution “Agriculture Entrepreneurship Development”, branches of the Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry, the Institute of Horticulture and Vegetable Production of the TAAS of Sughd region and the State Unitary Enterprise “Tojikniholparvar” took an active part in this seminar.
First of all, the Director of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Oleg Guchgeldiev opened the scientific and training seminar, welcomed the participants and emphasized that the development of the agricultural sector is one of the priority goals of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan. He noted that those responsible for its development are constantly making efforts to achieve this goal.
Then, the coordinator of the 1st component of the State Institution “Agriculture Entrepreneurship Development” Safarov Sherali noted the support of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and emphasized that within the framework of Strengthening Resilience of the Agriculture Sector Project in order to improve the material and technical base and development of seed production, a number of agricultural machinery was transferred to the State Unitary Enterprise “Tajikniholparvar”, among which: 1 three-wheel tractor, 10 MTZ-82-1 tractors, 10 trailers, 23 ploughs, 13 mini tractors, 13 small trailers and 13 rotary tiller.
To date, the institution intends to work together with scientists and specialists of the sphere and by implementing this project to increase the number of high-yielding intensive seedlings adapted to changing climatic conditions and to create a sustainable basis for the establishment of intensive gardens in the country.
The scientific seminar discussed modern methods of increasing the number of seedlings, efficient land utilization, increasing the number of high-yielding seedlings adapted to climate change, and establishing gardens and vineyards on hills using modern irrigation methods. Scientists and industry experts gave informative reports and presentations on topics such as determining the real value of production in intensive and ex-intensive gardens, constant adherence to agronomic cultivation methods and protective measures.
Following the scientific conference, a question and answer session took place between scientists and experts in the field.