Digitalization of the pesticide management system for locust control
State Institution “Agriculture Entrepreneurship Development” under the implementation of the “Strengthening Resilience of the Agriculture Sector Project” uses reasonable efforts to improve locust control activities.
On January 23 of the current year, in order to improve locust control activities a working meeting was conducted by the staff of the State Institution “Locust Control Expedition”, representatives of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) together with the specialists of the Programme for National and Regional Strengthening of Locust Control in the Caucasus and Central Asia on the implementation of Locust Control Pesticides Management System (L-PMS). .
During the meeting, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) presented the Locust Pesticide Management System (L-PMS) to industry experts, which ensures the economical use of pesticides and improves their effectiveness.
To be noted that from 2023 with the support of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan State Institution “Agriculture Entrepreneurship Development” under the implementation of the “Strengthening Resilience of the Agriculture Sector Project” 6 large equipment (tractors), 6 tractor sprayers (AGROS), 1 passenger car (RAF), 6 off-road vehicles (Pickup), 11 units of vehicle spraying equipment, 300 small motorized vehicles, 300 small portable and battery-operated devices, 830 units of personal protective equipment, 35 thousand liters of pesticides were procured and provided to support the State Institution “Locust Control Expedition”.
Currently, the State Institution “Agriculture Entrepreneurship Development” within the framework of the project intends to continue this initiative and , to purchase and provide pesticides for significant activities of the State Institution “Locust Control Expedition”for 2025 period.