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Monitoring of seed storage facilities in the Sughd region

Every year with the support of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan State Institution “Agriculture Entrepreneurship Development” in the frame of “Strengthening Resilience of the Agriculture Sector Project” provides farmers (project beneficiaries) with high-quality, high-yielding seeds and suitable for climatic conditions prior to sowing crops in order to store in farm storages and sow seeds on time.

This week, the institution’s specialists visited and checked the conditions of the storage facilities of the commercial cooperatives “Chorkuh”, “Ovchi Gonchi”, of the project beneficiary’s farms “Ravshanbek”, “Dodoev” and “Khodjaho” in the Sugd region. In the farm storage part, the seed provided by the project and produced by the farms is stored at a moderate temperature, separately, in a dry place, on boards.

Gratefully, most farm managers properly store their crop seeds and prepare them for sowing. They know that improper seed storage reduces yields and even leads to losses.

For those farms that did not observe the simplest rules of seed storage, the field’s specialists gave useful recommendations and suggestions on proper storage methods.
