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Public meeting in the course of planning and implementation of rehabilitation works in Sughd region

The development of the agricultural sector is considered one of the priority directions of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, providing the population with food, industry with raw materials and improving the economic situation of the population.

With the support of the Government of Republic of Tajikistan, the State Institution “Agriculture Entrepreneurship Development” in the frame of “Strengthening Resilience of the Agriculture Sector Project” periodically repairs buildings of scientific institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Tajik Academy of Agricultural Sciences. of Tajikistan.

Engineers and environmental and social specialists of the State Institution “Agriculture Entrepreneurship Development” from November 25 to 27 of this year visited institutions and scientific bases Subordinated to the Ministry of Agriculture and Tajik Academy of Agricultural Sciences, particularly SUE “Types of vegetable seeds of Tajikistan” in Sughd region, base of Institute of Horticulture and Viticulture and vegetable growing of Tajik Academy of Agricultural Sciences in B. Gafurov district, base of Institute of Horticulture and Viticulture and vegetable growing of Tajik Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Asht district and branch of Agriculture Institute in Sughd region, repair of which is carried out in the frame of “Strengthening Resilience of the Agriculture Sector Project”.

During the inspection, industry specialists held a public meeting with specialists and employees who are involved in construction and repair works or who work at this facility. Then during the meeting, the specialists of the industry presented to the participants detailed information about the environmental management plan taking into account the opinions and proposals of stakeholders, the results of the environmental impact assessment, and the environmental and social standards of the World Bank, compliance with hygiene-and-sanitary conditions and safety during construction works as well as the implementation of construction requirements of the current legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan.

Furthermore, the grievance mechanism was discussed during the meeting, and first of all, useful recommendations were given on the timely provision of overalls, hot meals, wages, and timely quality performance of scheduled works.
