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Consultative seminar “Field Day” was held dedicated to the “Presentation of the work of the GOMSELMASH GS5 combine for harvesting grain crops”

On August 23 of this year, a consultative seminar “Field Day” dedicated to the “Presentation of the work of the GOMSELMASH GS5 combine for harvesting grain crops” was held with the initiative of the State Institution “Agrotechservice” in LatifMurod LLC, Hisor, with the participation of representatives of Khatlon and Sughd regions, as well as Regions of Republican Subordination.

The seminar was opened by the Deputy Minister of Agriculture Zevarshoi Zevarsho, who gave recommendations on expanding the further activities of farms using modern technologies. Also, the representative of GOMELMASH GS5 of the Republic of Belarus informed to the audience about the work of this combine, stating that it can harvest from 18 to 21 tons of grain crops, especially wheat, rice and corn, per hour during the grain harvest season.

Then the participants were shown the method of harvesting corn, as well as the method of separating the grain from the husk.

The seminar was attended by specialists of the State Institution «Agriculture Entrepreneurship Development» who shared useful recommendations on the collection of corn using modern technologies to farmers and heads of farms.
